Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A Sprung Spring

The long absence between posts is attributed to one major factor:
Spring has unofficially sprung in the north!
We've had a week of endlessly beautiful days, temperatures crawling up in the 50's and 60's, causing me to crawl in my basement and take out a box of shorts for my commutes and runs!
Inspired by the run at the beginning of March, I've been introducing more and more cardio into my daily and weekly routines in preparation for my Wyoming trip this summer.  I'm commuting almost exclusively on my old road bike now, and I'm adding runs in the mix to prepare for backpacking at altitude.  This weekend, I got my first longer trail run in at Chester Creek, a beautiful trail which begins only a 1/2 mile jog from my own front door.
Usually at this time a year, the trails are covered in snow, slippery and quiet.  Saturday and Sunday found me running on dirt trails- at times squishy with mud- but trails nonetheless!  It felt great to be outside enjoying the weather, and even better to get some running in!  If I plan on hiking in to the Grand Tetons this summer- a 10 mile approach to the climbs with 30 pounds of gear on my back, plus climbing the Grand to top over 13,000 feet- I have to be in whopping good shape.  
A few fellow climbers and I are also planning a trip to the Red River Gorge around Easter for some overhanging burns on beautiful Kentucky sandstone.  It'll be a great way to train for leading hard stuff, and give us motivation to train hard in the weeks to come!  I'm training about 4 days a week now down at the climbing gym, and coupling that with all the cardio is making me feel really great!
One of the side benefits of the great weather is a decreased amount of time inside on my computer, and more time doing little things outside.  I read half of A.S. Byatt's The Children's Book on my back porch as the sun was going down yesterday evening, and after dark skipped checking emails for knitting and watching old episodes of The Office.  It's been refreshing to cut back computer time, and I feel much more productive and relaxed!  
I'll get some knitting pictures soon- I'm actually speeding through a couple of projects, and I'm excited to start a couple other drool-worthy ones (at least for me)!
This morning was a beautiful and leisurely 2-mile run in Chester Park again, and I'll be climbing for a couple hours after I'm finished with work before off to teaching at the dance studio.  
It feels so good to move so much. :)

1 comment:

Mark said...

March just ain't what it used to be. :-(