Tuesday, June 17, 2014

It's been awhile...

Sorry about the long delay between posts.  I have a good excuse- last week I took a trip down to the cities to hang out with my parents (up visiting from Florida) and helping my aunts put on a large garage sale!

Since I haven't seen my folks since Christmas break, it was fantastic to hang out with them again.  I had a good dose of it, as we had a lot of catching up to do.
We spent last week down in Long Lake, helping with the garage sale, going kayaking, playing games, and going out a couple of times.  On Friday, they drove up to Duluth with me once we wrapped the garage sale up.  We picked up Scott and drove up the shore for some good ol' North Shore time for the weekend!  One of the highlights was finally showing my parents Palisade Head, my local climbing haunt, in person.  Now they can picture it better when I send them pics of me climbing up there. :)  It definitely wasn't ideal conditions, as the temp never even hit 50 degrees and the winds gusted up to 20 mph.

While Scott and I were rather unfazed by the gale winds blowing off of Lake Superior...

my parents were a little shocked at the 47 degree temps with winds and drizzle.  They left Florida at 90 degrees and humid, so "summer" in Duluth weren't temps they had seen for a long time.  It didn't shake their spirits at all, and we enjoyed some hiking...

me winning in Bananagrams (sorry, Dad.  You didn't have a chance)...

and then a beautiful hike on the lakewalk today back in town!

We also celebrated my birthday a little early, since they'll be back down in Florida next week on my actual birthday.
Banana cream pie, all for me?

Why yes, thank you. :)
In the midst of all the parent-time, garage-sale readying, driving back and forth, and time up north, I was able to work on the boring stockinette section of Kyle's Vest.

I figure I'll do about 10 inches before starting on the deer pattern, since I want to make sure the decreases on the front of the vest don't accidentally cut off a deer.  I should actually check my gauge and see where I'm at; I never did that once I was a few inches in on this size needle.
I probably should do that at some point... Hmmm...
The next few nights here are dedicated to teaching the competition tap dance for Thursday night's try-outs, and if last night is an indicator, I'm hoping that I'll have lots of awesome young ladies auditioning for tap next year!
Oh... and that 1/2 marathon is on Saturday morning.
Which I've only lazily trained for.  As in my longest run so far is a little over 5 miles.
Hahaha... Friday might be interesting.

1 comment:

Mark said...

isn't "didn't have a chance" (against my daughter with a masters degree in English) a bit of an overstatement, considering that despite being an engineer (with 0's & 1's among my communication tools) I found a home for my lone remaining banana-grams tile only seconds after you beat me?