Monday, May 24, 2010

(Not Quite) A Lovely Monday

We had a bit of a lightning storm last night, culminating into a real storm. It made it easy to hole up with a movie and a friend and relax. It's still gray and chilly out this morning, so I'm taking advantage of it to run errands and make some calls I've been meaning to for awhile.
After a fairly quiet weekend at VE, I can happily say that the Seneca sweater is running smoothly. I finished one arm and have a good start on the second, and since I'm entering the stockingnette section it'll be (hopefully) smooth sailing from here. I can't believe how fast this sweater is going, but it helps that it's lots of mindless stockingnette I can do at work, and (for now) easily portable. I have a feeling putting the yoke together will be a little more complicated.
I finally decided what I'm going to do with the white and tie-dye yarn I wrote about earlier! I originally was going to make a beautiful shawl per Cheryl's suggestion, but perusing my queue later:I found the Shifting Sands scarf by Grumperina, and it'll force me to learn cabling without a cable needle (over and over and over)- something that might come in handy for me. So once I have a little time (maybe this afternoon?) I'm going to sit down and learn it so I can have a traveling project once I finish the second Seneca sleeve. Huzzah new project and new technique!
Off to run more errands in the damp. :)

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