Things have been going super well, knitting-wise. The big project that I wanted to fix and finish quickly, the Onward Shawl, is very close to done.
All I need is one solid movie night to finish this long-overdue behemoth. I've been very dutiful in working almost exclusively on this, as the recipient is coming up to Duluth in a week or so and I wanted to be able to present it to her, finished, blocked, and pretty.
Then I went on Ravelry last night.
I don't have dance this week for February break, so my nights are pretty open. That means last night I accidentally went online and started looking at all of the pretty things that I could make.
This was a deep, dark rabbit hole.
I mean, how can I resist the the gorgeous matching combo project of the Green Memories hat and handwarmers for myself? Or starting a sweater such as the Agnes Pullover, which has been on my radar forever? Or start the Carrie Handwarmers to keep at my chilly desk, or the Scrollwork hats (which I already have the yarn for) for all my awesome lady climber friends? Or go into a whole new realm of crazy by beginning the Persian Dreams Blanket (mark my words, that's my next big project for myself)?
Like I said: deep dark hole.
The problem, for those that have been keeping track, is the size of my WIP list.
As of right now, I have 7 works in progress.
This morning, I had six. Then I accidentally cast on the Police Box Handwarmers.
To be fair, those are going to one of my solo students, and I wanted to make sure I got one of the mildly fiddly presents started as soon as possible. Totally legit. Easy to justify (another) WIP.
Doesn't matter that I have the Onward Shawl, the Hipster Beanie for Jamie (xmas coupon being redeemed), the Adama cowl KAL, the Valentine's Day socks (that I started a few days ago), and the Studio socks to finish up.
Oh, and I brought my little honey quilt kit to school, so when I have down time I can yet again begin chipping away at the the little honeycombs.
I might have a problem.
I think actually having nights off this week has given me unrealistic expectations of my knitting time.
1 comment:
This morning (Feb 20 at work; had to email it home when your blog rejected by work address), on that rarest of days in Florida when my car's warning light indicated that it was almost cold enough for water to freeze (39°), my thoughts, in order, were (1) at least it's warmer here than in Duluth; (2) our darling daughter truly embraces the cold so I should too; & (3) she also knits things that keep people warm. Seeing people at work in flannel lumberjack shirts & sweaters reminded me that all my sweaters are in MN, including one still being made. Both times I thought of your blog. So you can imagine what I was thinking about (out of context) when I read "long-overdue behemoth", "pretty things that I could make", "a deep, dark rabbit hole", and "7 works in progress." Has the Queen of Hearts issued a verdict on my classic vintage 1980 Olympic sweater to remove it from your WIP list, or is it still there? Your blog just made me “curiouser and curiouser”; but no rush 'til I live up north again - “But I don’t want to go among mad people" - "Oh, you can’t help that," said the Chessire Cat: "we’re all mad here"). When you started that sweater, you surely thought “Begin at the beginning, and go on till you come to the end: then stop.” I'm not saying what you should do. "That depends a good deal on where you want to get to." and “If you don't know where you are going any road can take you there.” I cannot imagine what it'll be like to see it finished, & me trying it on! "Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise.”
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