I've drank about a pot of coffee a day, graded enough 8-page papers to make me go mildly cross-eyed, and I just collected even more final papers to go through over the next couple of days. Tomorrow will be my last day with this semester's students- two 2-hour exams, where I'll be alternating between walking around to make sure students aren't cheating and working on the Onward shawl. It's probably the first long-term knitting time I've had since Thanksgiving.
In the craziness of grading and finishing the semester, I have managed to have a little bit of fun!
I went to the bridal shower for Celeste, one of my best friends from Grad School. She's going to become a Mrs. in a little over two weeks, so it was time to celebrate!
I'm throwing her Bachelorette party on Friday evening, and I'm excited for a little more time to hang out. She works at another one of the colleges in the area, so between our schedules, it's hard to find time to hang out.
We also had the Christmas program for my dance studio last Sunday!
I had all of my tap dancers up on stage for a rousing number of the "Shim Sham Shimmy", my yearly tradition. I have to admit, I'm a big fan of getting a giant group of like 40 tap dancers up on stage all dancing together. It looks (and sounds!) pretty cool. :)
Oh, and this fell off my truck:
while I was driving.
It's a chunk of the exhaust system.
Besides that, Scott and I are also trying to work on this:
Moving day is approaching.
No wonder my knitting has been on standstill for a bit.
Good thing I can update soon on some of that... :)
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