I'm really happy with how it turned out, and my costume was recognized all night long! Lucky for me, I had a prop to make it easier to recognize me.
Oh, and yes- we made the hat. It took a lot of foam and cursing, but it got done.
Halloween was fantastic as usual, with the rain holding off till today, and only a chilly breeze off the lake deterring us from wandering around town too much. It was a great Halloween, and now that it's over I'm a little sad- especially since that initiates one of my busier months as far as homework and knitting go. After all, Christmas seems a lot closer this side of Halloween.
Today I'll be ignoring the Packers/Vikings game (which I've heard every other Minnesotan is watching, but it's not hockey so I'm not terribly interested) to work on my two papers and getting a bunch of reading done, and if time lets me I might go check out Where the Wild Things Are at the local theater.
One last note- November has typically been the month that I attempt to do a post a day, and I'm going to try my hardest to keep that up, but don't be surprised if it turns into a post every other day. I'd feel bad if every post becomes, "Homework today, not much else", but hopefully I can keep it more interesting than that. We'll see how that goes. With the amount of knitting I have to do, it shouldn't be too hard... :)
Off to read!
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