But hectic in a good way. :) Once school gets back into session, I'm hoping to update the blog with a whole new look, so stay tuned for that!
Scott and I spent some time together at the end of the week before he ran to the Boundary Waters with his brother to do a little paddling!
And when I say "little", I mean that they're doing 125 miles of paddling (plus lots of portages) through the BWCA in 8 days. They started in Canada and they're going to paddle all the way back to Sawbill in MN, having brother time and drinking whiskey. As much as I love adventure and my guy, that's one trip I'm okay not being on. :) I gave him a huge hug before he left, because now I won't see him until after I get back at the end of August!
After our goodbye, I headed to the cities for a weekend with the family!
It was gorgeous out. You couldn't ask for a nicer weekend.
We spent all of Saturday out on Lake Minnetonka, floating, laughing, snacking, and having a grand old time.
The aunts prepared a feast when we got in, consisting of a giant slab of grilled pork loin, corn-on-the-cob, and enough salads to sink a ship.
Then last night, I packed, cleaned the house a bit, and did one last performance of my tap project down in Canal Park. It was a gorgeous night out, and for our last performance we garnered quite a crowd! I think the girls really enjoyed it: I know I did! (Sorry, no pics of that one...)
It was a great way to kind of "end" my summer, since the day after I fly home I head back to school for Duty Days. I may be cutting it a bit close. I fly in at 3 in the afternoon Wednesday, and Thursday morning I head to meetings with pretty heavy jet lag.
It'll be fiiiiine! :)
Right now, I'm sipping coffee while looking at my two small bags packed and ready to go by the door. My phone is getting last-minute charged, and I keep second-guessing some of my clothing choices (bring that sweater? Do I really need that extra pair of shoes?).
I know you're all dying to know what knitting I'm bringing with to Europe, and due to packability, length of time it'll take to make, and prettiness, this will be coming with me:

Which will hopefully turn in to this:
to become my European Ombre sweater for ME! (I know, right? Something for myself?? The Christmas Knitting Gods are going to strike me down for this in late November, I'm sure of it...) I figured that all the complicated stuff for mittens and whatnot would take up about the same amount of space as a lace-weight cardigan, and since this is my vacation, why shouldn't I knit something for myself? :)
I did download the Blogging app, so I'll hopefully be able to post pictures on here as I go, otherwise you can follow my Instagram for (hopefully) up-to-date pics on where I'm at.
In about an hour, my friend is arriving to bring me to the Duluth Airport, and then I'm off to Europe for three whole weeks! SUPER excited, and hopefully you'll hear from me soon!
Here's a picture of Albert in his kitty condo to leave you with a smile (since I know it makes me smile):