It's been a busy end of the semester. Between turning in finals, going to a wedding, and the weather taking a 180 degree turn, it's been a really crazy last week or so.
The whole of finals week it was dreary and disgusting- maybe 40 degrees tops, with rain or drizzle every day. Saturday was the opposite. I was at a wedding in the Twin Cities, and it couldn't have been more perfect- sunny and 70. It's just been getting warmer every day, too.

I went bouldering in Duluth on Sunday at the
Postpartum Wall with a couple of buddies, and it was perfect weather- 60's, not too hot. It cooled off a little more towards sun down, which enabled me to get a picture of my knitting in action!

My buddy Reed requested a hat, so I pulled out the
Turn-A-Square pattern yet again for a spring-winter hat. I finished it last week, and he's been wearing it almost every time I see him, which is always nice. Yay for those who appreciate knitted goods! :)

It's not the only knitting I've been doing- I sat down and pulled out the screwed up first row of my
Vivian cardigan, re-did it very carefully counting my stitches about four hundred times, and am proudly now a few rows up, working towards more.

I'm also less than ten rows away from being done with the first sleeve for my
Seneca sweater. I had a fair amount of car time on the drive back from the cities, as well as yesterday on the way to and from Palisade Head to climb. Almost time to start the second sleeve!
Climbing at Palisade yesterday was amazing and... not so amazing. I jumped on a couple of climbs that I've done before-
Rapproachment and
Hidden Treasure, falling only once on Hidden Treasure, and more because my arms were pumped out than anything. Tyler and Sean decided that the only way I'm really going to advance is to try something beyond my comfort level- so they stuck me on
Mr. Lean, a 5.11d overhung finger crack that is one of the most classic climbs up the shore.
I thought they were going to have to haul my butt up the wall, looking at the climb as I was rapping down.
I thought that again halfway up when I was pumping out during the lean back section.
I kept thinking that as I fell a few times working at the crux.
I stopped thinking that as I topped out, pulling the last few moves and crawling over the edge.
It was a beautiful, hard, fun climb.
I can't wait to do it again. :)
The only problem was the sunlight scorching all day long- I put on sunblock twice and still have nice red shoulders. Stupid Scandinavian skin.
When I think about it, though...
it was worth it. :)