The last few days have been ridiculous in one way- it's been gloriously, incredibly, out-of-character warm. So what did I do to celebrate?
Went climbing, of course!

I had Monday off, so Tyler and I made the trek down to
Sandstone, about an hour south of Duluth for some sweet sport lead climbing. We hadn't really done that since the trip to the Red River Gorge in May last year, so it was well due.

We encountered a small problem in the form of a birch tree on top of our
warm up route, but after a lot of pushing it relinquished the hold and we got a lot of good climbing in. We did four or five of the six bolted lines on the
Muskrat Love/Sax Wall, ranging in difficulties,

then I saw back and watched Tyler get
Sigma first try of the season-no hornets right now, so it's only a
5.12a/b (with the hornets it's more like a 5.13d). :)
Today was pretty quiet at the climbing gym since it was 70 degrees outside, but I got a fair amount of project stuff done that needed it, including embroidery add-on for Tyler's chalk bag and finishing the base hat for Lacey's upside down daisy hat.

chalk bag I made for Tyler awhile ago is pretty big- too big to be an actual chalk bag, but not quite a chalk pot- so he called it his "chalk trough" and wanted it to be labeled such. I obliged, though it's not the prettiest thing I've done.
Lacey's hat is a lot cuter, and now all I need to do is knit the petals for the flower and sew them down before it's ready to pack and ship to a little lady for the spring.
Last tidbit- I got home from the gym tonight to an apartment that was sweltering hot. The heaters were on and have been going strong since I got home, and I feel like I'm in a sauna. I threw open every single window in the apartment, but it's not doing much. I feel like it's the middle of summer and not March. Where was this heat in mid-January??
Karma can suck. Especially when it's hooked up to your ginormous apartment radiators from the 1900's.