My first late night at the climbing gym just finished as we prepare tirelessly for the climbing competition on Saturday. It was a quiet night in general, which was nice because I had a lot going on.
I finished gluing the pieces on the trophy prize for the crate stacking competition:

and I think it looks pretty ridiculous, which was exactly what I was going for. I showed it to Ross, the guy running the whole thing, and he laughed and said, "Well, I guess I asked for it to be bedazzled, and you took me seriously! You bedazzled the hell out of it!" I took it as the highest compliment he could bestow. He mentioned perhaps making a small version, but I told him that the second one would require regular coffee payments- the first one was free, after all.

I got to do some forerunning of the routes too, which means I climbed a whole bunch of the routes and gave my opinion on their difficulty level. This is important for a competition, because in order to fairly grade the new routes and give them point values, there has to be a general consensus on the level. It's also important to get several people with different styles of climbing to try them- for instance, a lot of the boys setting are tall and lanky. I'm shorter, but I'm a very technical and flixible climber. I can curl and shove myself into corners with no problem, where as the leggy and lanky boys pop right off the wall. They, however, can reach something no problem sometimes whereas I'll have to perform some maneuvering to be able to reach that high.
The diversity is one reason why I love climbing, and what can make it so difficult.

I also had a work station set up after hours at work for doing research for my American Renaissance paper- my big focus tonight. I was able to shape my thesis a bit more, and in turn moved my arguments around a little and sharpen them in relation to my thesis, which was really nice.

I started making another Amanda hat- this one is a little more of a reach, since I don't have a ton of friends that are wild over a pink this ridiculous. Luckily I have a taker, but I'm getting very nervous for the ratio of yarn left versus the ratio of hat left to knit. Notice how small the ball of thick, chunky yarn is? Yeah, I do too. Gulp. I'm just in denial right now, and hope that it's a magical regenerating ball of yarn. I don't think I'll have enough. But I want to. So it should work out... right? I'll just keep knitting and it'll be fine...
I actually started the hat last night, but had to frog it today when I realized that my gauge was off and would run out of yarn much quicker. This is my second time to be as far as I am on the hat, and I hope that I don't have to start again.
Finally off to bed, another crazy full day tomorrow...