I'm feeling a bit all over the place lately, with not much down time at all. What down time I might have is usually spent reading or studying for school, and barely any time for crafting or knitting or even just sitting and breathing.
Between school, ballet, and two jobs, I'm feeling a tad bit that I may have bitten off more than I can chew. Usually after a morning shift at B&N, I go to class before biking down to VE until late. Sometimes instead of VE I have ballet, or both, and we're not counting time for homework. The only problem is I really can't quit either job, because I need one for the benefits and one for the grocery money and tuition.
My knitting is showing my all-over state of mind. Take, for instance, the "Melody Socks":

I was psyched about the yarn (still am), but after the ribbing and an inch of stockinette I found the
Midsummer Night's Dream socks on knitty and wanted to do those. So I ripped out the Melody socks thus far and read the pattern for Midsummer. Lo and behold, it was toe-up knitting. I've never done that before and right now I don't have time to learn it. So... Melody socks are hibernating for awhile.

I pulled out the
Whisper Cardigan to work on instead- nice easy stockinette in the round with lace malabrigo- yummy, right? Well, I'm starting to have second thoughts.

They start right about where the sleeve is about three times the size of my arm, and end where I'm finally is admitting that I don't think lace-weight knitting is for me. Like, at all. The yarn is so light and tiny and maybe I just have to get used to it, but I need something simple and easy and not tiny and troublesome for a stress-relief knit right now. Plus if I'm going to knit a sweater for myself, I want
one that I'm going to wear a ton- mostly for being comfortable.
Desperate times call for desperate measures. I dug in my sock yarn stash and came up with remnants a ghost from the past- the yarn from the
cursed Harlot socks. They were my first fingering-weight socks that didn't turn out so well, and after much cursing I gave up on them. Now that I actually know something about knitting socks, I thought I'd give them another try. Just to keep things fun, I'm going to do the ribbing, heel and toe in a different color- which is where the extra yarn from
Cheryl's Anemoi Mittens came in.

These socks are probably going to end up being the most ridiculous socks I've ever knit (although the
zebra socks run a close second), and right now I'm okay with that because I need something small and easy to travel around me with between all these places and the colors are bright and cheerful. I haven't decided yet if I'll keep them for myself or give them to my friend Sam at B&N- she saw them and said they were going to look amazing- and right now I don't care. I just need to get some order back in the world, and until then, I'm going to work on my pink and blue verigated socks.
Which I keep in a lovely little carry-case I got at B&N for half price. It has owls on it and cheers me up quite a bit as I try to keep everything together.

Send coffee-like happy thoughts towards a stressed grad student if you can...