I can't believe it. After six months of working sporatically and unhappily on these things, the
Trident Lace Socks have finally materialized in whole.

I worked hard on them the entire fourth weekend, squeezing in some time hanging with the girls on the fourth as well as quality beach knitting time while girl-chatting with my Mom.

The toe on the left one doesn't exactly match the right, but that's because I lost the original pattern with my notes on my change in plans on closing the toe and resorted to actually following the pattern for the second one. Nice and ironic for me, because I'm historically bad at completely following patterns without changing them. I love love
love the lace on these socks, though.

My fingers permanently have the pattern memorized, and I used Wildfoote yarn which has the perfect amount of stretchy-ness that I like in a sock yarn.

The lace really helps the socks fit my feet perfectly, and I can't wait for fall to come so I can wear these more.

I know what a lot of you are thinking- they're just socks, what the heck took you so long and why are you making such a big deal out of them?
Well, darn it, because I kept growing sick of them and putting them aside-
for six months. A pair of socks shouldn't take six months to knit. Look at
Cheryl- she's doing a sock a day to get ready for her class. Now that's inspirational. I decided I needed to finish them so I could have my metal size 1's back, and start the
Outside In socks with this gorgeous yarn that my old roommate Larissa got me awhile back:

Hopefully an infinitely easier pattern that will keep my attention and make for a simple, portable project that can travel with me when I'm not working on the Dale (besides the pom-poms on the legwarmers, it's down to the Dale. Gulp...). Besides, it's Harry Potter yarn, and since
the sixth movie is coming out mid-month, it'd be cool to wear Harry Potter sock yarn to go see the movie in the theater for the first time! (Nerd alert)

It was nice to hang out with the family in the cities for a few days,
finish these socks, and have a small vacation. Now time to get back to life and reality... realities such as a billion and a half stitches left to go on a complicated Dale...